Book taxi and transfers services from airports and cities around the world
What to know before you book taxi and transfer service
Once you arrive to the destination airport… now what? How are you getting to the hotel, resort, or the final destination? FlightVillage has partnered with KiwiTaxi to make your trip even easier. Book taxi and transfer service right here so that you can travel worry-free.
KiwiTaxi services over 500 airports and almost 120,000 routes in over 100 countries. Does that sound like a lot? Because it is and that’s why it’s so easy to book taxi and transfer service – because we likely already service the airport or route you’re looking for!
With 12 car classes to choose from, KiwiTaxi has the vehicles available to meet your party’s needs, whether that’s a three passenger trip or you need a minibus. And with over 600 licensed carriers on five continents, you can rest assured that the service you receive will be best in class.
Book Taxi and Transfer Benefits
When you book a taxi or transfer service with KiwiTaxi, you automatically receive three benefits over most other taxi / transfer services.
- Free cancellation
- One hour of waiting at the airport (you don’t have to worry if your flight is delayed or your baggage is taking longer than anticipated – the driver will wait for you!)
- 24/7 support service in English and Russian
So what are you waiting for? Book taxi and transfer services today with KiwiTaxi and FlightVillage! Or maybe you’re still deciding where to go… check out our recommended places!